The perfume of Oneness arrives through babies.
“I have known you Forever.”
The awakening across all ages and across the globe can happen very quickly, even instantly.
“I have known you Forever” would make sense to the babies and even 110 year old men and women, and to Oneness.
Like the sweetness of tea’s color pervading water in the sunlight, the awakening can be, all at once, or grow slowly as we see it happen to steeping tea when we start our day.
Has something happened to you recently that you found both odd and good all at the same time?
The will amplify this arrival. It will guide this arrival as is useful for what works to support the change. It will amplify what is needed to smooth the ease and grace away from what was the experience that the Delusional-Illusion has had to endure thus far- – its anguish of Unknowingness and Fear … until now.
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